In my opinion there is no worse thing in the world than a stomach bug. Yes, I know there is poverty, disease, famine and Justin Beiber, but I truly believe cleaning up the aftermath of a stomach bug makes all of these issues pale in comparison. I have such an issue with it that I simply can't do it. Poor Matt is generally left to clean the mess and I'm left to stand at a distance relaying my sympathy.
If you do decide to partake in the stomach bug, I highly recommend the 5 star hotel room. We had the misfortune of being on holidays in New Zealand when Emily came down with a stomach bug. (I'm not entirely convinced the misfortune was the stomach bug. It was possibly just being in New Zealand). We were staying at the Holiday Inn. It was about midnight when Emily decided to purge her guts up all over the bed sheets. We simply wrapped up the sheets, rang housekeeping who came and collected them and gave us nice new sheets. That is the way stomach bugs should be handled.
Amazingly Emily managed to hold on for our 4 hour train journey the next day, only to vomit in the foyer of our next hotel. Perfect timing yet again. I was so proud.
Unfortunately this time it was just Matt and I with no housekeeping staff to assist. He did a stirling job cleaning up as usual while I updated my status on Facebook. Of course I'm then the one stuck at home with a sick child, but thankfully there was only one more incident and she at least managed to get to the bathroom on time. I like to think she really makes the effort for me since she knows my aversion to vomit. She's nice like that.
Thankfully Emily seems to have recovered enough to go to school tomorrow and I will make the effort to start my routine yet again. I still don't know what that routine will involve but it will more than likely start with a trip to the gym to get rid of those bloody chips.

Thanks for the tip! The next time one of my kids come down with that bug I will definitely check into the hotel down the road. I can't stand the smell of vomit too. It makes me want to ..... Vomit!